On this page we will tell you about ourselves.
Hypnotic One is a very sophisticated practice, involving many techniques of therapy. Herb is certified as a teacher
and trainer in Emergency Hypnosis.
Travels throughout the United States and Canada, Demonstrating the art and science of Hypnosis and Metaphysics, developing
a very high rate of success among his followers with a high response within the T.V., Radio and Newspaper Media. Herb
has develped private and group seminars that achieve a greater rate of continueing growth. Herb has continued to educate and
train in the science of Hypnosis, since the age of 12 years old.
Company Contact:
Herb Isaacs, Owner: Hypnotic One.
Herb started the interest in Alternative Health, early in his life. Bought his first book
on The Science of Hypnotism, at the age of twelve. Continueing to develop the interest in helping others as it seemed
then, as a magical approach.
During Herb's excitement to learn more. Herb continued his learning through many schools of the
arts and sciences, keeping up with all new training techniques. Working with thousand of individuals over the years.
Herb Lectures and Demonstrates the art of Hypnosis throughout the U.S. and Canada.
Our Philosophy:
I am in this world, but not of it.
Our mission statement and purpose, is to educate others that the practice of Hypnosis is used in everday life.
To set and achieve the therapeutic treatments for a variety of behavioral conditions, and goals needed to change one's life
to the better.